Historical Warrior Illustration Series Part XXXV

Luca Tarlazzi

I have been stumbling across this artists work for a while now without knowing who’s work I was looking at. Now I’ve finally figured it out who it is and can represent him here in the collection of historical warriors. Some of the work is a little more digital and stylized then I’m used to, but I still appreciate the mood and creativity. You can find more of his work at

Historical Warrior Illustration Series Part XXXIV

Graham Turner

I try to do my best to make sure that these art pieces match with this particular artist.  If someone notices a mistake please let me know and I’ll correct it.  That being said I also would like to continue to improve these artists collections by continuing to add more good quality images to these posts.  So if you have found any images that you think I should add feel free to let me know.

Historical Warrior Illustration Series Part XXIX

Igor Dzis

I’ve been wanting to post this file of Igor Dzis’s work for a long time.  He has such an extensive amount of work to contribute to the Historical Warrior series.  Unfortunately it’s often hard to determine if these images are accurately accredited to him or not. Hope you enjoy them as much as I do.

Historical Warrior Illustration Series Part XXVIII

Darren Tan

I recently stumbled across Darren Tan’s work.  Its great being able to see work that’s being made in Singapore on concepts I enjoy.  Most of his gallery is filled with other fantasy and sci-fi work, which I also appreciate, but for this site I collected all his more historical fiction work for future reference. These are a few places to find him…artstation deviantart

Historical Warrior Illustration Series Part XXVII

Milek Jakubiec

At times I question why I would bother gathering these images when they are already displayed on sites like deviantart and artstation. And then I remember it’s about the focus of these postings and the joy of discovering these artists works, which in the case of Milek Jakubiec is responsible for much of the concept art for my favorite game series Total War.  Check out his other artistic styles at the links above and enjoy.