Archaeology Magazine Part IV

This article is a good example of association and assimilation of people over time rather then the often obliteration model that is used in history to explain the ‘what happened to these people’ question. For even though this household was eventually a casualty of a Roman civil war, the fact that they continued to prosper as a wealthy Etruscan family long after the Romans conquered the region shows the interdependence of the two cultures.

Archaeology Magazine Part III

One of the greatest elements to effect human evolution and progress is climate and environmental geography. The opening image of these ancient ruins surrounded by a now arid environment ( Sechura Desert ), it makes one wonder if it may have been more hospitable when it was built. On the other-hand these ruins lay just outside the modern day city of Lima, which is considered the world’s third largest desert city, and so this area must have maintained a level of abundance that provided for the people that existed in this area after these ruins disappeared under the desert. If so then what gave rise to the population that built its walls and then their disuse six hundred years later? What climatic impacts supported and then undermined their use?

Knightfall Season 2 Trailers

I’m intrigued to see how this story line progresses. The Templar’s have a wealth of history and lore that surrounds them, so it seems like the writers and directors could go deep into this Orders European defining moments if they wished. Cross my fingers that they step it up a notch from season one.

Update: Unfortunately this production didn’t step it up with the second seasons and instead floundered at best and failed overall. It’s a bummer because there aren’t that many of these period pieces and I wished they’d done better.

Outlaw King

I always find it strange when I start questioning something like why no one has made a film or show about Robert the Bruce, especially after Braveheart’s success, and then I come to find that since August Netflix has been posting trailers about this upcoming film in November.  Whhhhaaaattttt???? Now I wish they had made this into a gritty ten episode show, but beggars can’t be choosers.  It’s already getting poor reviews but the historical accuracy and the battle sequences look great in the trailer, so I’m ready to sit back and enjoy.